
Wednesday 12 October 2016

The Song of Solomon Chapter 2

The Song of Solomon 

Chapter 2

1. I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys, 2. As a lily among brambles, so is my love among maidens.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verses 1 to 2)

Oh God my Father excels the beauty of the world, which is not long lasting but a pleasure of the moment that is quickly replaced by another when the moment comes, however, my love for You my, God and Father is forever Amen.

3. As an apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verses 3)

Oh God my beloved father, as in the case of lovers, when compared to other persons or things to be loved or that attract our love in the world such as luxury's and commodities You are the best. There is none like You! Nothing and nobody can satisfy my thirst for You my God and Father so much that my soul will never be at rest until it has reunited with You. Amen.

4. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his intention toward me was love.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 4)

Oh God my Father when You called me back from England from a life of unbelief, Your intention was that of love. You have been loving me even before I was born. You invited me to make an experience of You by personally calling me with Your own voice so that You could share Your life and love with me. This is the best banquet that money could never purchase, this is a relationship with You that is growing all the time Amen. 

5. Sustain me with raisins, refresh me with apples; for I am faint with love.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 5)

Oh God sustain me with the message of the Good News, refresh my soul by your presence Oh God my Father. Amen

6. O that his left hand were under my head, and that his right hand embraced me!

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 6)

Oh God my Father how I wish that You may take control of my mind and the rest of my body, so that all my focus will be on You and on doing all that is according to Your divine will Amen. Lord God my Father, take control, take control. of my life as in the following song because without You life is not worth living.

Song Jesus take the wheel

7.  I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the wild does: do not stir up or awaken love until it is ready!

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 7)

Oh God my Father there is a time for everything in life, there is a time to aim for love, to pray for love and then there is a long period of waiting and then You bless us with the reward in Your good time, which is perfect. I pray that we learn to wait on You my, God and Father and not act according to our own wishes and desires Amen.

8. The voice of my beloved! Look, he comes upon the mountains, bounding over the hills.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 8)

Oh God my Father I can never forget that day when You talked to me. Your voice was so strong that I almost had a heart attack even after that blessed moment. I felt so excited that I had to share that You had asked me to follow You and forget my past!

9. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Look, there he stands behind our wall, gazing in at the windows, looking through the lattice.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 9)

Like a lover to its loved one, You are always on the lookout to see if we have chosen to give our love to somebody else such as career, job, ambition hobby or even our family! Oh God nobody can ever take Your place in my heart. You are the one and only Amen.

10. My beloved speaks and says to me; "Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; 11. for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verses 10 to 11)

Oh God my Father You are showing me that now is the best time to make the move, however for some reason I keep having second thoughts. I pray that You make me strong to go against such thoughts and make the move.  I pray that You open the doors in order to encourage me to make the move Amen. 

12. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. 13. The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verses 12 to 13) 

Oh God my Father, when You give me the right signs I will make my move, in the mean- time, I pray for Your support Amen. 

14. O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the covert of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. 

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 14)

Oh God my Father I thank You for that peak experience of You that I had at the time of my youth when I saw Your face and that of Your mother Amen. It was an experience that I will never forget. 

15. Catch us the foxes, the little foxes, that ruin the vineyards- for our vineyards are in blossom."

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 15)

Oh God my beloved Father, if we were to become more aware of ourselves and our actions, if we were to permit Your Holy Spirit to guide us, instead of trying to take control of our lives, we would catch each of these evil foxes, until they become extinct. Amen. One sin after another, one bad habit after another dealt with and our lives would improve on all levels Amen.

16. My beloved is mine and I am his; he pastures his flock among the lilies, 17. Until the day breathes and the shadows flee, turn my beloved, be like a gazelle or a young stag on the cleft mountains.

(The Song of Solomon Chapter 2 verse 16)

Oh dearly beloved God my Father I am indeed truly Yours, and You are truly mine, for there is nobody like You. You are special in all Your ways. I thank You for taking care of me for taking me to green pastures, for healing and treating my wounds and injuries. Let us be like gazelles sure- footed, and fast, and let us spend time together in secret as we do each day during our time of prayer. Let me grow in my relationship with You so that my love for You may also continue to grow. I thank You for loving me but not my sins, for thus with Your help we can continue to hunt down these foxes until I am free from them and can be totally Yours and not mine Amen. Amen.

Oh dearly beloved I would like to end this second chapter of the book of the "Song of Solomon" with the following prayer:-

Oh God my beloved one, the apple of my eye, there is none like You. You do so much for me and in me, that words are not enough to explain Your love for me. Therefore all I can say is thank You for wanting to have this relationship with me. Amen.  


Monday 27 June 2016

The Song of Solomon Chapter 1


The Song of Solomon 

Chapter 1

1. The Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. 2. Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine, 3. your anointing oils are fragrant, your name is perfume poured out: therefore the maidens love you.

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verses 1 to 3)

Oh, Top of the Pops, or Eurovision Song Contest 2016 ! Indeed following You my God and Father is truly an adventure. You teach me to meditate on Your 'Good News', You also teach me to love others as myself, and now You also teach me how to sing praises and hymns of worship to You.

Oh God my Father, You are truly my beloved one, truly more than one can say. Nobody loves me like You do. Amen. Although You anoint me with the chalice of tribulations, You wash and cleanse me by the blood of Your passion. Your love is true and genuine. This is what makes us so attracted to You my God and Father. 

4. Draw me after you, let us make haste. The king has brought me into his chambers. We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine rightly do they love you.

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse 4)

Oh God, my Father I also pray that You draw me after You. May I never be inclined to follow anyone else on this earth apart from You, my, God and Father. Even though I am a sinful person, You still love me even more than the sweetness of the wine Amen.

5. I am black and beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse 5)

Oh God, my Father, I am a person of many colours. When I am happy I shine, when I am angry I become red or crimson, when I am sick I become shades of green, however, I am happy with the way that You made me and  I thank You for me, for nobody can be as good as me but me, with all my strengths and weaknesses Amen. 

6. Do not gaze at me because I am dark, because the sun has gazed on me. My mother's sons were angry with me; they made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept!

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse 6)

Oh God my Father, many people have been discriminated due to the colour of their skin and even injured and treated in a very negative way, moreover throughout history and even during our times many coloured people are treated as slaves in the sense of being given work that nobody else would like to do such as clearing trash when the truck passes and even working on building sites. And what is more, I am proud to thank them in Your Name for 'THEY ARE MAKING A GOOD JOB OF IT'. I thank such people to whom we have long since been cold, in our attitude to them for they are showing us what it means to be hard working and dedicated Amen.

7. Tell me, you whom my soul loves, where you pasture your flock, where you make it lie down at noon; for why should I be like the one who is veiled beside the flocks of your companions?

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse 7)

Oh God my Father as in the case of Solomon, my pleasure and delight is only in doing Your will, in being where You are. The world can give me no pleasure that is long lasting, only a few moments of pleasure that fly away like the wind and become history a few seconds later Amen. I want to be where You be my God and Father Amen.  

8. If you do not know O fairest among women, follow the tracks of the flock, and pasture your kids beside the shepherds' tents.

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verse 8)

Oh God my Father, may we always be where You be, may we always follow in Your footsteps and find love, counsel and shelter in Your presence wherever it may be for You are not bound by time or location Amen.

9. I compare you, my love to a mare among pharaoh's chariots. 10. Your cheeks are comely with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels. 11. We will make you ornaments of gold, studded with silver.

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verses 9 to 11)

Oh God my Father, those cheeks those blessed cheeks that children cuddled and which the soldiers and high priests slapped and spat on for our redemption. Our prayers oh Father are like bunches of flowers with the sweet fragrance in the form of a bouquet that the groom gives to his bride.

12. While the king was on his couch, my nard gave forth its fragrance. 13. My beloved is to me a bag of myrrh that lies between my breasts. 14. My beloved is to me a cluster of benna blossoms in the vineyards of En-gedi.

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verses 12 to 14)

Oh God, my Fathe I wish that I was like that bag of fragrance dangling close to Your breast with fragrance flowing from it. I wish to be like that baby sucking milk from healthy breasts and drawing love, faith and feeling of well-being from You, my, God and Father. I would fight for me a place at your breast as if I was a newly born baby so that I will always be attached to You Amen.

15. Ah, you are beautiful, my love; ah, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves. 16. Ah, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly lovely. Our couch is green; 17. the beams of our house are cedar, our rafters are pine.

(Song of Solomon Chapter 1 verses 15 to 17)

Oh God, You are so beautiful, so faithful, loyal and just! There is none like You. Although with human eyes I cannot see You although I wish to do so all the time, in my mind I have the image of the figure of You as portrayed in the picture of the 'Divine Mercy' which is everywhere I go. Amen. Our relationship is also green, for green means that it is alive and not dried up as in a drought. May it always be alive and productive Amen.

I would like to end this chapter of the first book of the Songs of Solomon with the following prayer:-

Oh God my Father, I pray for all of us who are either married or in some form of relationship. I pray that as our relationship is green and healthy with our spouses it will also be green and healthy with You. As much as we love our partners and ourselves, in a positive way we also have the same love for You Amen.

Thank You Jesus